


Coach Ronnie Gage, M.E.D. and Emmet C. (Tom) Thompson II, D.S.L with Alice Sullivan

Released November 5th 2019

In small-town Decatur, Texas, football was life. And Ronnie Gage couldn’t wait to become a Decatur Eagle. His football ability was decent, but he knew there wasn’t a big demand for a 150-pound center and safety, so he focused his career goals on the next best thing—coaching. This provided a way to give back to a sport, and a community, who had given him so much. 

Nearly 40 years later, after countless winning seasons and championships, Coach Gage found himself in a unique situation, coaching an unusual player. When Emmet (Tom) Thompson joined the Austin College football team as a spry 59-year-old kicker, Coach Gage had his doubts. But Thompson’s dedication and tenacity spoke for himself on the field, and the two men forged an unshakable friendship built on their three loves—faith, family, and football. 

In The Life Coach, Coach Gage shares the important life lessons he’s learned both on and off the field. Tom Thompson—kicking coach, author, and speaker—lends supporting anecdotes based on his many years in leadership roles. Together, they hope to inspire players and parents, coaches and crowds, to live a life of faith on and off the field, to make the most of every opportunity, and to have fun while doing it.


GET A KICK OUT OF LIFE: Expect the Best of Your Body, Mind, and Soul at Any Age

by Emmet C. (Tom) Thompson II, D.S.L. & Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D. with Alice Sullivan

Released October 10, 2017

Dr. Emmet C. (Tom) Thompson II grew up feeling as though he couldn't catch a break. With obstacles and setbacks from a very early age, he struggled to find meaning and purpose. However, by the second half of life, he found his faith, his purpose, and his soulmate.

“If my story says anything, it is that it is never too late to re-imagine what you want your life to be," says the author, speaker, and NCAA football record holder.

Divided into three sections―Body, Mind, and Soul―Get a Kick Out of Life: Expect the Best of Your Body, Mind and Soul at Any Age, includes tips on goal setting and intentionality, physical fitness and nutrition, finding your purpose, developing deeper relationships with family and friends, and offers suggestions on ditching the “bucket list” for something even better. 

With degrees in Business Management, Kinesiology, Organizational Leadership, Strategic Leadership, and Teaching, Dr. Thompson’s purpose is to encourage people of all ages to live healthy and fulfilled lives, and to develop a deeper faith in the process.

Along with co-authors Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D., a recognized authority on management and self leadership, with Alice Sullivan, Thompson empowers readers to discover and reach their full potential.

“On the road to greatness, there are always hurdles and roadblocks,” says Superbowl XLVI champion, former New York Giants wide receiver Isaiah Stanback. “Champions stay the course while others turn around. Get a Kick Out of Life teaches you how to create and live up to your greatest potential. Decide to be great or decide to be average—the choice is yours.”

Thompson, an active researcher in the fields of motivation and change, has co-authored numerous articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, as well as several books, including Fit To Lead: The Proven 8-week Solution for Shaping Up Your Body, Your Mind, and Your Career (St. Martin's Press), which he co-authored with Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D., and Charles C. Manz, Ph.D. (respected pioneers in the field of self leadership), Tedd L. Mitchell, MD. (president of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, former CEO of the Cooper Clinic, and former health editor for USA Weekend), and Janet Tournelli-Mitchell, MD. Thompson also co-authored his motivational autobiography, Kick Start, with Alice Sullivan.

Thompson, who lectures to both lay and academic groups, is an American-born 9th degree black belt Tae Kwon Do grandmaster. In addition, on November 14, 2009, at age 61, he became the oldest football player in NCAA history and the oldest NCAA football player to score a PAT (point after touchdown).

Get a Kick Out of Life is slated to hit shelves on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, from Clovercroft Publishing, and is being distributed to the trade by Ingram Content Group, the world's largest distributor of printed content

To learn more about Thompson and Get a Kick Out of Life, visit or like him on Facebook at or on Twitter (@91Kick) at

KICK START (Updated and Expanded Edition)

by Dr. Emmet C. (Tom) Thompson II with Alice Sullivan

Like many of us, Tom Thompson felt as though he couldn't catch a break. With obstacles and setbacks from a very early age, including growing up in a broken home and the early death of his father, he struggled to find meaning and purpose. As an adult with no real plan, his self-absorbed lifestyle led to divorce, financial stress, and physical injuries. It seemed to be one thing after another. Was this how life was meant to be lived? 

Along the way, Tom’s life intersected with and was influenced by an assortment of fascinating characters including martial arts champion and legend, Chuck Norris, Elvis and Priscilla Presley, and president of the United States, George W. Bush. And in time, Tom found his faith, his purpose, and his soul-mate. 

His is a remarkable story of stamina, determination, and of overcoming the odds to become the first over-60 NCAA football player. And his example will inspire the reader to Kick Start their life at any age.

This updated and expanded edition of Kick Start contains a new chapter on Goal Setting, including tips for intentionality, exploring the link between goal setting and physical fitness, and on ditching the “bucket list” for something even better.

"I love this book. It is a real Chicken Soup for the Soul story of overcoming obstacles and going for your matter what. Highly recommended."

Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.


By Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D, Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D., Charles C. Manz, Ph.D, Emmet C. Thompson II, D.S.L.. & Janet Tornelli-Mitchell, M.D.

The 8-week proven solution for shaping up your body, mind and career. From the business and fitness experts of the Cooper Wellness Program.

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